Here at Orphek we pride ourselves on offering as much information about our products (and their output!) as possible. We believe the consumer should have as much information as possible before making a decision - and we're also confident that after arming themselves with said information, our product will stand out as the obvious choice.
Here is a picture of our latest iteration of our flagship PR-156 with the new UV/true violet emitters we've developed being tested in spectrophotocolorimeter. How many other LED lighting companies offer the full fixture (not just emitter - emitter output can vary from manufacturer's specifications depending on electronics used) spectrophotocolorimeter report? None, as far as we are aware!
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The only problem with using reef insetrs is after a year the color fades and algae get inside all the crevices you cant reach and looks very very fake and bad. IMO do live rock and get corals to make the tank look alive and watch the stuff grow.